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  • Writer's pictureKyliAnn Lemons

6 Parts of an Ideal Morning Routine

Every morning for me is chaos because snooze button is my BFF.. I do everything I can in the shortest amount of time to insure that I get out of the door at 8:15 (most times 8:20/8:25ish..oops!) However, if we switch into an alternate universe and I actually did get out of bed when my alarm went off – here is my ideal morning routine!

Wake up & brush my teeth – really making sure to get those pesky molars in the back!!

Make breakfast – not pop tart and sit on the couch, a real breakfast even if it’s something as simple as eggs and toast or French toast.

Take a nice relaxing, non-rushed, shower – literally my dream for every shower however when I do have the time to do this I usually take that chance for a bubble bath.

Put on a full face of makeup – most of the time I do the simple concealer, eyeliner, mascara, powder and call it a day! It works for most of the time but if I could I would definitely look my best every day. Sometimes there is just not enough time for all of that!

Make my hair presentable – this is the hardest part for me. I either run a straightener thru my hair, put it half way up, or low ponytail like a founding father. If I had the time, I would tease and curl and actually look like I knew what I was doing.

At this point I am all done getting myself ready, so if there was time I would sit down and have a coffee and relax before my drive to work.

What parts of the morning would your ideal morning consist of? Share em!

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