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  • Writer's pictureKyliAnn Lemons


Looking for a way to spice up your normal, everyday spaghetti? THEN YOU ARE IN THE RIGHT PLACE!

Here’s what you need:

Spaghetti noodles

1 lb ground beef

Spaghetti sauce

One bag of shredded cheese

Box of frozen garlic bread

As you guys see all of this is Meijer brand because this was bought during the COVID pandemic and the shelves were literally cleared of everything, plus I think sometimes Meijer brand tastes better than some name brands! Its up to you what brands you want to use, I am only here to guide you on what to do!

Of course you are going to brown your meat and cook your noodles! TIP FOR COOKING NOODLES: let the water boil before you put the noodles in, you will also want to break your noodle in half so you’re not only cooking half the noodles before they get bendy!

When your noodles are done you’ll put them in the strainer then RUN COLD WATER OVER THEM so they don’t stick together. V E R Y I M P O R T A N T! You are also going to want to drain the grease from your meat on a paper towel and plate.

While you’re letting these drain, you will replace the pot that had the noodles in it with the sauce and cook that on a low heat to get it heated up a little.


After you get everything all mixed together, you will transport your concoction to a cook-sprayed pyrex. ADD CHEESE ALL OVER THE TOP!

And of course, what’s spaghetti without garlic bread????

For the spaghetti you will want to heat the oven up to 350 Degrees and cook for 20 min!!! (For cooking the garlic bread the box will tell you exactly what to do!)


Your tastes buds will love you :) and your family will be pretty happy too! Linkyn loves this dish!

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